There’s More Benefit to Losing Weight than Just Looking Good
If we’re honest with ourselves, one of the principal reasons (maybe the most compelling one) for losing weight is we like the way we look when we’re at our ideal weight. There’s nothing wrong with using that as a motivator. Additionally, we know from exhaustive medical and scientific research that there are almost untold physical benefits to maintaining a healthy body weight—less risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and joint problems. But there are substantial mental perks to getting and keeping of the excess weight.
The Concrete Mental Benefits to Losing Excess Weight
In a study conducted by, participants identified a range of emotional and mental dividends they earned by taking off undesired pounds:
- Most reported a greater sense of self-esteem—Self-esteem (specifically, the lack thereof) can be a vicious cycle, feeding on itself. When your self-esteem is low, you tend not to make good decisions, as you may feel as if it makes no difference. Conversely, when you give your self-esteem a boost, through the loss of weight, it can give you the confidence to make the right choices.
- The majority said they were happier and more productive at work than before
- Losing weight led many to abandon a previously sedentary lifestyle and become more active socially
- People who lost weight were more likely to get involved in athletic activities or start some level of physical activity or workouts
- Many said that their success in losing weight gave them the confidence to make other significant changes in their lives, including changes jobs, pursuing a new career or seeking out long-term relationships
Of course, it’s important to understand that there are physical benefits and consequences related to your mental health. Stress and depression are known to cause verifiable physical health problems, and evidence suggests that a positive mental attitude can lead to documented improvement in your health.
Contact Us Today to Talk with a Weight Loss Professional
Call us at +(816) 441-9304 to learn more about our program and get started on the path to your desired weight.
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Lose 10% of Your Body Weight in 6-8 Weeks!