The Key Components of Attaining and Maintaining Your Ideal Weight
Losing weight can seem like the stock market—every time you turn around, there’s a new method that’s sure to help you reach your dream weight and stay there. Many of those programs focus on short-term fixes, including “cleanses,” starvation diets or proprietary meals. Others have you embarking on boot-camp style exercise regimens. Most can provide some positive results, but few last. What is the key to both short-term and long-term weight loss and maintenance? What’s the most important thing you need to do to permanently transform your weight?
It’s All about Mindset
As with virtually everything, your brain runs the show when it comes to weight loss. For any weight loss to become permanent, you need to change your behaviors, and your relationship with your body and with food. It’s important to understand that, with respect to food and other things, you have habits and you have behaviors. Habits are those actions that are primarily or exclusively responsive, involving little or no thought. Behaviors, on the other hand, typically include conscious decisions. Habits are hard to break, because they are often triggered unconsciously. Behaviors can be hard to change, but with intention and conscious effort can permanently change your relationship with food, and with your weight.
At the beginning of any attempt to lose and manage your weight, the first thing you want to do is ask yourself a question—why do I want to lose weight? Do you want to look good on the beach this summer? Are your knees or your back feeling the effects of carrying around too much weight? Do you simply want to enjoy a more active lifestyle? Once you’ve determined why you want to lose and maintain your weight, take the next step and commit to believing that you can accomplish your goals. If you go into a program thinking you will fail, you probably will. With a negative attitude, you’ll have less incentive and less ability to resist the temptations that will always arise.
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Call us at +1 (816) 427-4910 to learn more about our program and get started on the path to your desired weight.
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Lose 10% of Your Body Weight in 6-8 Weeks!